Welcome Our Newest Bundle of Joy!

Just a couple short months ago, we sent out our "State of the Practice" email with our plans for the upcoming year. Well, thanks to our fabulous clients who continuously help us grow our business and a few connections we made at December's AAEP conference, our newest bundle of joy arrived THIS WEEK! Now, I'm sure it's not what you're thinking, but we're so excited! Some of you may have heard us talking about it already, but for those of you who haven't....


We can now do gastroscopy at your farm or barn! You asked! We listened! We're now the first and only mobile equine vet in Loudoun County to be offering this on-your-farm technology. No more hauling your horse in for expensive in-hospital gastroscopy!

We're saving you time, money, and piece of mind. The price includes sedation and the scoping procedure combined with recorded video and photography.

Okay, some of you may be asking... What's gastroscopy?
Gastroscopy is a painless procedure that allows our veterinary team to see live images and video of your horse's stomach, using a very long, flexible camera. Gastroscopy is often used to diagnose gastric ulcers, as it's the ONLY way to get a definitive diagnosis for Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS). Using gastroscopy, the vets can also see which type of ulcers exist and the severity or extent of the ulceration. Gastroscopy can also identify stomach impactions, tumors, or other abnormalities of the upper GI tract. Based on the severity of the findings, we can initiate a tailored medication plan, instead of just a "best guess" eliminating under- and over-medicating.

The highlights:

  • Less expensive & more convenient than clinic haul-ins
  • Performed on-farm by TEVA mobile vets
  • Price includes sedation
  • Available to EVERYONE - we don't need to be your regular vet - you or your vet may request and attend this procedure!


Designed to Save You Time and Money!

Purchase your annual equine wellness packages now from our TEVA website store! We have packages for all types of horses, from pasture pets to top performing athletes. Our packages combine recommended services and offer discounts over ordering services individually. And as an added bonus, you'll save an additional 10% on TEVA services for the rest of the year! And remember, TEVA clients NEVER pay emergency fees when seen by TEVA doctors!

Click here to buy yours today!


Here are a few additional articles that are worth a read and events for your calendars!

Spring Wellness vs. Spring Vaccines - What's the Difference?
It is Spring Wellness time at TEVA! Make sure to get your appointment on the books! Our Spring Wellness visits include a physical exam, an oral exam, seasonal and nutritional counseling and consultation, and of course, Spring vaccines. Our doctors care and take time to address your specific concerns. Read the full article here.

Call us today or click here to purchase your Spring Wellness visit online and save money!

Have You Tested Your Horse for Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease manifests itself in equine in a variety of ways, many of which are non-specific. Fever, stiffness, muscle pain, swollen joints, lameness, changes in behavior, and skin sensitivity are all potential symptoms of Lyme disease. Have your horse tested, treated if necessary, and vaccinated to protect them from this common tick-borne disease. Read more.

Virginia Horse Festival - Friday, March 24 - Sunday, March 26
Join the industry's top experts for engaging and educational clinics, demonstrations and seminars or browse vendors selling the latest in equipment, supplies, and clothing.

Loudoun County Equine Expo - March 30 | 6pm-9pm
A great way for equestrians to meet the businesses and organizations that support their passion. Don't miss this annual networking event that is open to the public! TEVA will be there, will you?


From our Friends at the Loudoun Community Cat Coalition

Barn kitties looking for work!

The Loudoun Community Cat Coalition is looking for new outdoor homes for 7 beautiful cats. These kitties are used to living on a farm with horses, peacocks, geese, and a dog. They are fixed and up to date on vaccines and there is no adoption fee. The Coalition has volunteers that can assist with the relocation. All you need to do is offer food, water, and proper shelter and they will work year round to rid your outdoor buildings of mice and other rodents.

Contact Loudoun Community Cat Coalition at info@loudouncommunitycats.org or 703-687-6009 if you are willing to help!

Register Today for our Last Seminar of the Winter Series!

Eat THIS, Not THAT! Pasture Management & Toxic Plants

How to grow the good stuff! Ask the experts as they join us to present important and timely topics on pasture management and toxic plant identification for equine enthusiasts. Presented by Dr. Bridgette McIntosh from the Virginia Tech MARE Center and Chris Van Vlack from the Loudoun Soil and Water Conservation District, this evening's worth of information is sure to get you growing in the right direction.

Thanks to Another Turn Tack in Purcellville, VA for providing gift certificates for our seminars!
We appreciate your support!

Make the Most of Your Vet Appointment

  1. Be on time and have your horse caught and haltered. To maximize the time your vet can spend with you, please have your horse ready, especially if your horse is difficult to catch!
  2. Make sure your horse is clean enough for the vet to examine. Whether needing to look good for Coggins photos or facilitating preparation for procedures or vaccines, a clean horse is less likely to have negative reactions.
  3. Work with your horse and teach good manners. Not every horse enjoys a visit from the vet, but if it has basic manners things will go much more smoothly. Simple leading, trotting a straight line and the ability to stand quietly for temperature taking are imperative.
  4. Write down questions and concerns beforehand. Present your list at the start of the appointment. Large concerns that are forgotten until the end of the exam cannot be properly addressed at the end of the appointment.
Yearly News

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14931 Largo Vista Drive,
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TEVA Quick Links

Available 24/7/365

CALL 703.505.2320

Office & Pharmacy Hours

Monday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Tuesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Wednesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Contact Us

Billing/Mailing Address (only):

24033 Lacey's Tavern Ct, Aldie, VA, 20105

