Disease Outbreak & Fever

Diseases can be contracted from a horse-to-horse encounter or from the environment courtesy of insects like ticks, viruses, and bacteria. Vaccinations help prevent some illnesses while due diligence and medical intervention handle the rest.

The Checkup
A once-over to prevent and catch problems

As part of his routine care program, your horse should receive medical, dental, and farrier care to help prevent illness and other issues from creeping up on you both. As a preventive care effort, an examination and consultation is the ideal opportunity to evaluate your horse’s nutritional intake and needs, discuss concerns or health changes, and assess his overall physical well-being.

Checkups are an opportunity to monitor his heart and respiratory system, look at his body type, check his teeth, conduct Fecal Egg Counts and Coggins tests, and address all of your questions and concerns. Checkups are performed during Spring and Fall examination visits.

The Vaccination Schedule
Every horse, each Spring & Fall

Equine vaccinations provide essential coverage for only one year or less, making routine protection from a variety of diseases critically important to your horse’s ongoing health. Regardless of whether your horse leaves his farm or not, these diseases can make their way to him via insects, the environment, or infected animals. If your horse competes in United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) events, you must show proof of certain vaccinations within the last 6 months.

The Standard Tests
Required by law or smart management

Coggins Test & Certification

If your horse leaves the farm, particularly to visit other farms, competitions, or travel across state lines, he is required to be tested for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). This test, known as the Coggins test, is regulated by the government. Negative Coggins tests are issued on official certificates.

Deworming & Fecal Egg Counts

Bi-annual Fecal Egg Counts (FEC) check for parasites in your horse’s system. Based on an individual horse’s results, a veterinarian can identify the exact dewormer needed, prevent parasite resistance build-up, and minimize unnecessary chemicals used in your horse’s body. FECs are performed on a fresh manure sample.

  • Rabies (infected animal contact, no cure)
  • Eastern & Western Encephalitis (EEE & WEE, mosquito)
  • Tetanus (environment)
  • West Nile (WNV, mosquito)
  • Potomac Horse Fever (PHF, aquatic insects)
  • Equine Influenza (EIV “flu”, airborne virus)
  • Equine Rhino (EHV1 & EHV4 herpes, airborne virus)
Optional based on living situation: 
  • Botulism (found in round bales or ponds)
  • Lyme (tick-borne)
  • Strangles (horse to horse contact)
  • Lepto (stagnant water, prevent uveitis)

Available 24/7/365

CALL 703.505.2320

Office & Pharmacy Hours

Monday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Tuesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Wednesday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Contact Us

Billing/Mailing Address (only):

24033 Lacey's Tavern Ct, Aldie, VA, 20105

